17. Affections of external parts, not caused by external injuries, proceed from an internal morbid state. All curative measures must be taken with reference to the state of the whole system, in order to effect the obliteration and cure of the general disease by internal remedies.
In examining such a case, the following steps has to be done:
1.the record of the exact state of the local disease is added to the summary of all symptoms.
2.other peculiarities to be observed in the general condition of the patient.
Then get at the totality of the symptoms and to select the corresponding remedy which removes the local as well as the general symptoms.
Notwithstanding the well-regulated habits of the patient a remnant of the disease may still be left in the affected part, or in the system at large, which the vital force is unable to restore to its normal state; in that case the actual local disease frequently proves to be the product of psora, which has lain dormant in the system, where it is now about to become developed into an actual chronic disease. Anti-psoric treatment will be necessary to remove this remainder and to relieve the habitual symptoms peculiar to the patient previous to the acute attack.
18. It is not advisable to combine the local application of a medicine simultaneously with its internal use. Because it is difficult to determine whether the disease has been exterminated by external application or internal medicine. Relying on the internal remedy alone, the removal of the local disease proves the achievement of a radical cure and of complete recovery from the general disease.
19. When the system is affected with some chronic disease which threatens to destroy vital organs or life itself and which does not yield to the spontaneous efforts of the vital force, the latter endeavors to substitute a local disease on some external part of the body, whether the internal disease is transferred by derivation, in order to lessen the internal morbid process. But still the internal disease may increase constantly and their nature will be compelled to enlarge and aggravate the local symptoms in order to make it a sufficient substitute for, and to subdue the internal disease.
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