Tuesday, July 01, 2008

2.2 - Primary and after or counter eject of drugs.

7. During the primary effect of a drug, the vital force receives the impression made upon it by the drug and allows the state of health to be altered by it. The vital force then rallies and either calls forth the exact opposite state of feeling or neutralizes the impression made upon it by the drug, thereby establishing the normal state of health. The former is a counter effect and the latter a curative effect.

8. Diseases peculiar to mankind are of two classes:

(1) Rapid, morbid processes caused by abnormal states and derangements of the vital force, acute diseases;

(2) Chronic diseases, originating by infection with a chronic miasma, acting deleteriously upon the living organism and undermining health to such a degree that the vital force can only make imperfect and ineffectual resistance, which may result in the final destruction of the organism.

Acute diseases may be sporadic, endemic or epidemic. Allopathic is responsible for many an incurable disease; owing to the use of several drugs the organism becomes gradually and abnormally deranged according to the character of the drug used.

True chronic diseases arise mostly from syphilis, psychosis and Psora. The latter (Psora) is often the fundamental cause and source of countless forms of diseases, figuring as peculiar and definite diseases in our text books on Pathology.

9. Individualization in the investigation of a case of disease, demands unbiased judgment, sound common sense, attentive observation and carefulness and accuracy in noting down the image of the disease.

The physician is then required to select the corresponding drug, which in its effects on healthy persons produces symptoms strikingly similar to those of the disease. Upon subsequent enquiry regarding the effects of the remedy, the physician should then take into account the remaining symptoms, or new symptoms, which may have appeared, for selecting another remedy.

The physician should be acquainted with the full range of disease-producing power of each drug, that is, all morbid symptoms and changes of the state of health which each drug is capable of producing by itself in healthy persons, in order to discover what elements of disease each is able to produce and inclined to excite by itself in the condition of mind and body. Thus, the disease-producing power of drugs can be made available homeopathically in the case of all diseases.