Homoeopathy is being defined as the THERAPEUTIC METHOD of SYMPTOM-SIMILARITY.
Homoeopathy deals only with Therapeutics, i.e., treatment of disease. It is further limited to the use of certain pharmacological preparations prepared according to standard, well-defined principles laid down by the Founder.
Law of Homoeopathic relationship is two-fold:
1. We have a group of symptoms expressing the disease.
2. We have a group of symptoms caused by the effect of some drug on the healthy human body.
“In applying this Law in practice if a disease is curable and if medicine which has the same group of symptoms corresponding to the disease is given in conformity with the Homoeopathic rules of practice, a cure is bound to follow.”-T.S.Iyer.
1. Homoeopathy is a special form of using drugs.
2. The practice of this system is not in conflict with the great field of modern medicine.
Advantages of Homoeopathy over modern medicine:
1. Greater attention paid to the study of the scope and usefulness of drugs in the treatment of diseases;
2. The use of single remedies whose effects are well-known;
3. The laws for the administration of homoeopathic drugs are based on certain well-defined principles; and
4. The absence of possibility of any danger to the patient by their wrong or excessive administration.
In short, Homoeopathy is a practical method of using drugs backed up by the experience of over more than a century, which will hold good for all time. Homeopathy’s foundation is like a rock as it is based on symptoms of disease and symptoms of drugs, which will not undergo any change.
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