Medicines as such cannot cure diseases. They can only suppress the symptoms and give a false impression of a cue, when given for their contrary effects. Individual’s VITALITY conquers and cures the disease; and physician’s duty is to prescribe medicines to increase the vitality. Sometimes, it may happen in some cases, that the vitality of the individual falls to such a depth, could not be roused to the optimum level of strength to cure the disease. This is how that some cases become fatal. Some cases become fatal due to faulty treatment.
A vast study, keen intellect and great experience along with empathy towards patients are required to acquire skills and practice this superb ART OF HEALING. Physicians must be an ardent student throughout his life. But one’s life is too short to master all the knowledge required. So, it is better to gather the experience and knowledge of others and supplement it with his knowledge and experience. Hence, it is the duty of every intelligent physician to put all his experience in black and white (case-by-case) for the benefit of others, for his future reference, and for the good of Humanity. The experiences and interpretations and the methods of approach of one physician may differ from another. Only by careful study of situations, method of approach, mental status of patient, a good physician can come to a conclusion about the correct way of treatment.
75% of the diseases are directly or indirectly attributable to faulty “Dieting, general habits and exercise.” If these three things are corrected properly, path for complete cure is made smoother and shorter.
Advantages of HOMOEOPATHY:
1. Homoeo Medicines are the cheapest of all the medicines.
2. They have been standardized.
3. They are suitable for domestic practice, easy to handle and administer.
4. They are readily available in the form of globules.
5. As the dosage is very small, no real danger of over-dosage and no harm will result from administration of wrong remedies.
6. The diagnosis is based on the symptoms, assessed by the feelings of patient, which is the safer one.
7. There is absolutely no bad effect left in the patient as a result of excessive medication.
8. The medicines are highly efficient in their action.
9. As Homoeopahic treatment is purely constitutional based on the symptoms of a patient, it is preventive and curative.
10. It is the superior system of Medicine.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Posted by NJAANAVETTIYAAN at 11:40 AM
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