Sunday, November 23, 2008

2.4 - Primary and after or counter eject of drugs

14. Diseases presenting only a few symptoms may be called partial (one-sided) diseases; their chief symptoms indicating either an internal affection, or Headache, or diarrhea, or only a local one. Often a more careful examination reveals more. Occult symptoms, and if this fails we must make the best of these few prominent symptoms as detailed in the selection of the medicine. As for such partial disease, the selected remedy may also be only partially adapted, it may excite necessary symptoms, and symptoms of the disease will be developed which the patient had not previously perceived at all or only imperfectly, thus facilitating the task of selecting a more accurate homoeopathic remedy.

15. After the completion of the effect of each dose of medicine, the case should be re-examined, in order to ascertain what symptoms remain and the corresponding remedy then selected, and so on till normal health is restored.

16. Local diseases are those affections, which are of recent origin and caused by external injury. Affections of external parts requiring mechanical skill belong to surgery alone but often the entire organism is affected to such an extent by injuries as to require dynamic treatment in order that it may be placed in the proper condition for the performance of the curative operation.